Profero is an Incident response security services provider. Whenever there is a cyber-attack(Ransomware, DDOS etc), team analyses the type of attack, try to immediately reduce the impact, both from attack and business continuity perspective.
They also provide a retainer service to provide monitoring, quick mitigation, by deploying agents across systems
Support to develop in the language of choice(Golang) for scalable microservices architecture.
Custom DevSecOps by modifying gitleaks and adding it to pipeline to ensure code sanity.
Implement custom uploader that supports more than 1Tb file upload over http.
Support for ETL pipelines for NRT remote log monitoring.
Support for self service portal at front-end for customers to enable remote monitoring
We delivered using latest technologies (Golang as backend, DevSecOps, tdd, React.js, Kubernetes, Kafka etc.) on aws.
Today we provide nearly about 60% of all development needs for the ORG
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